Red vs. Blue (2003–2024)
How is this machinima on IMDb?
14 July 2010
I absolutely hate this show and what it's become. This online show started off pretty humorous, and now has become a poorly assembled pile of nonsense filled with toilet-humor and very, very bad puns. The show started off being a satirical comedy about two teams trying to win over a war-torn canyon, but as the show progresses in a few years, it soon slid off this storyline, which was pretty much the entire point of the show. I can't even follow any of the characters anymore and don't understand the jokes. There are very few that actually make me laugh. RoosterTeeth isn't even trying to make this show decent anymore. I feel that they let this popularity get to their heads, listened to their fan base a little too closely, and decided to follow a new, more "elabrate" storyline to please their online audience. And somehow, this show makes money off of this. Not that it doesn't seem likely because it's so dumb, its just that they legally can'r since Halo is owned by Bungie. I guess they were lucky enough to strike a deal with them and go ape-s*** over the anticipation. Another thing that really annoys me about this show (if you can even call it that since it made it's way to IMDb) is the titling. Seriously, the "Blood Gulch Chronicles" and "Revelation"? If you want to add these distinguished titles to your show, then your show needs to have some content to match it. The only thing that has gotten better since the originals is the animation. The motion-capture animation in general is why this has 2 stars, but it simply deprives it from it original plot. Red vs. Blue (or what's left of it) is now complete nonsense and I quickly grew tired of it. RoosterTeeth uses this show as their flagstaff to try to dominate all other online shows, thinking that the vast fan base and popularity will get them money and fame, but they didn't use their heads and now this show weak and forgettable. Red vs. Blue is a disaster.
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