Anything Goes (1956)
Anything Goes: Hollywood done Cole Porter wrong!
19 July 2010
This is one of those movies where you think Hollywood done Cole Porter wrong. The Cole Porter tunes are excellent. That vamp Bing Crosby and cast do at the end of the movie with "Blow Gabriel Blow" is excellent; that Bing Crosby lent his talent to such a vamp speaks to his spirit as well as his talent. Changing 'Four letter words' for 'three letter words' is funny in a Hollywood sort of funny.

But the deterioration of the movie comes with Donald O'Connor throwing a ball around with a bunch of kids--I never understand this fascination for kids--it was silly, stupid, inane, vacuous. And alas there were three other numbers equally horrendous. That nonsense with a turban didn't work either.

But if you like Cole Porter, their interpretations of his music was about as good as it gets. Their vocalizations enhance Cole Porter without taking away from Cole Poter. If Hollywood has a few spare millions hanging around, they might consider a remake of ANYTHING GOES. Though in a million years, I couldn't tell who the cast should be.
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