Ah,,,,The Junk Films Of The 80s....
21 July 2010
Of course this was shown on a free "Showtime" channel. Who would spend any $$ on it as a rental? Even when it was a new film...back in the 80s..did it last long in the theaters? I am fairly sure it didn't. First of all..the two guys...brothers..look nothing alike..but then I guess that was on purpose somehow because they are SUPPOSE to be polar opposites of each other? The smart business one seems lame when it comes to doing anything unless it is business related..and he shows up to help his beach bum type brother with handling a late aunts' final wishes. She died and left them everything..a huge house on the beach and a surf shop that seems to be well stocked but lacking in customers most of the time. The girls who work there are all seen in some kind of beachwear...ugly bathing suits that were in style then..but still look tacky. What surf shop has its' employees dressed like that anyway? None of the girls looked like they spent much time actually in the sun..maybe they worked 24/7? The funny brothers...who in some way reminded ne of a young Dennis Quaid...had his moments of being funny...but he was a slacker..and yet the girls were all over him..how sexy is a guy who washes up in a sink...and never seems to be really clean? Gross. The girl who played the very immature rich girl the other up-tight guy was engaged to was WAY over the top. What guy in his right mind would want any of THAT MESS? He seemed to nice to be doing it just for a position in her fathers' company. He could not have had the super hots for the daughter either...she was as unsexy as you could get. Woof. Various people wander in and out of scenes...the delivery guy was NOT at all humorous...a character that was a waste of time..he added nothing to even the small scene he was in. The addition of the smart girl..the one who was a college major or some such...seemed OK...and predictable..a match for the smart brother of course...but she seemed too old for the part...as did most of the "young" characters in this stupid thing. The girls all pitch in an make AMAZING bikinis out of random stuff they got..and PRESTO!! Instant fashions!! There is a scene where one of the sales girls dances in a dream-like moment...and well..the dancing was worse than anything I had ever seen. I guess she was the best dancer who applied for the part...which is not saying much. There are bare breast moments with a big breasted girl...who has no idea there is a two way mirror in front of her...wow..hardcore..which is off set by a ugly fat woman doing the same thing...thinking she is sexy and will fit into a tiny bikini. How predictable. The storyline is easy...smart brother falls in love with smart girl at the store...they hook up...and he realizes his fiancé is a dog...meanwhile...the slacker brother is bed hopping and it is a party for him at every turn...But...both brothers learn something..and the movie ends sweetly...after a bunch of ridiculous chaos ensues. A funny movie if you crave bad 80s flicks...but to use it as an example of what went on during that time frame in history...think again. LOL.
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