In the Night Garden... (2007–2009)
The kid's love it, but it's the TV equivalent of soft-drink
15 August 2010
My kids (2 and 4) both absolutely love this show. And I've tried, really tried, to see the value of them watching it. I've sat down with them, I've sung the songs, I'm not writing this review not knowing what I'm talking about.

But this show has almost no substance. Which sucks because the toys that you can buy with the ITNG characters on them are generally very good quality, open-ended and fostering a child's imagination.

Why do we feel the need to talk down to our kids? Why do we feel that we should talk to them the way they talk to us? Our kids are usually a lot more intelligent than we give them credit for. Even if they cannot speak clearly, they surely understand everything we say. So why is there a need for a show that has almost all characters talking in baby talk?

If a child had a choice they would eat chips and lollies all day, and they would drink soft-drink with every meal. As adults we are the ones who have to put a limit on these treats and insist they eat quality food that has a positive effect on them. Treats are fine sometimes, but not for every meal, and actually, not even every day would probably be best!

The same should go for the shows we allow our children to watch. In The Night Garden has very limited educational value. It doesn't give the child much except for time in front of the TV vegging. Which is fine, but only in small doses. Accept that this is a pretty pointless show and ensure it's kept to a minimum.

There are so many better things a child can do with you to get ready for sleep time - read a story, sing a lullaby with you, snuggle up on the lounge and talk about their day. There is no NEED for ITNG as a wind-down time.
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