Review of Phenomena

Phenomena (1985)
There are at least 2 Dario Argento's, this film is not done by the talented one
23 August 2010
Let me say this. I'm a fan of early 70s Argento. I think he's in his first half dozen or so movies, one of the most exciting and stylish directors of his generation. His DEEP RED I consider a great film, a masterpiece, that the planned remake (helmed by Argento) will only insult.

Dario post 70s, into the 80s and beyond is a very different director. While credited with assisting on the story on various films, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST comes to mind, Dario was always a poor screenwriter, and even worse at dialog.

PHENOMENA is Dario Argento at his absolute most incompetent. The film is garbage, it's one of the stupidest written films... ever, just an outlandish, lacking all common sense script, with stilted,stagnant, insipid dialog, and acting that is just as poor and wooden, the soundtrack is garbage, and the direction, from someone normally as stylish as Argento,is insipid and pedestrian. It really is a god-awful movie, so bad, outlandish, absurd and poorly acted that it is laughable in all the wrong ways.

The ending had me laughing in derision. It is utter garbage. Well not complete garbage, the film does have one shining light, the young Jennifer Conelly who is, even at that young age, obviously the stuff of stars, she is so good and magnetic, that it only shows by comparison how truly crappy everything around her is.

How she survived making a film with the lunatic that was Dario in the 80s, or how her parents allowed her to do this turkey... baffles. Though without a doubt it put her name on the map.

As an Argento fan, it's sad to see a film like this from him.

Anyone who gives this train-wreck more than a 6 (and that's easily double what it deserves), needs to go back to grading class. If Dario has a movie worse than this... I don't want to see it. F--.
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