Review of Toxic Skies

Toxic Skies (2008)
Corporations are Above the Government
24 August 2010
The problem with the complaints about this movie is they are all centered on making fun of conspiracy theories which is exactly what the corporations want you to believe. This is brought out effectively in the movie but the reviewers who want more sex and violence are not mature enough for this subject. Corporations who are obliged and required by their bylaws to make money don't want to kill you but collateral damage is to be expected. Haven't we learned from BP oil spills, made up wars for oil and Halliburton and the billions of lobbyist money that goes to buy Congressmen, judges and Presidents that there is more to this than you think. "Cuting corners with people's lives, how could you let that happen?" "Unbelievable." It is not your government that you should fear, but the people who make fun of Government by saying things like the nine scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Those people are bought off by the corporations. The government IS here to help but when Corporations infiltrate the government and prop up actors and buffoons to make you think everything is a big conspiracy, what they mean is its all a joke, nothing to see here move along.

This is a great movie and they do even have a little romance for those who can only handle sex and violence.
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