Tedious spy spoof
12 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a big fan of the extremely prolific Jess Franco, and two of the most important reasons for this - his incoherent stories and his often sleep-inducing pacing - are all-too-evident in "Lucky, The Inscrutable". This is supposed to be a comedy, but there are very few laughs in it ("This is the best glass of poison I've ever drunk!", the market of spies in Rome, Lucky forgetting his own name....and that's about all I can think of right now, after seeing it twice). It mostly plays like one long chase, and it gets downright boring at times. And don't be fooled by the cast filled with familiar female genre names - all of them are wasted in brief parts. Ray Danton tries hard, and there is some good stuntwork, but if you want to see this kind of spoof done right, try to find "Dorellik"! *1/2 out of 4.
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