Review of You Again

You Again (2010)
The Return of Veronica Mars
27 September 2010
My wife and I fell in love with Kristen Bell's rendition of Veronica Mars and were dismayed when the show went off the air. UPN understood their audience, but when it merged with WB the new network was clueless as to who actually watched the TV series.

After the end of the series we have looked for vehicles in the movies that would showcase Kristen Bell's talents. Why she chose a series of bad movies, I don't know, but "You Again" is finally a film vehicle that shows off her acting ability.

Several points make this a stellar film for her. One, even though she is a young woman in her thirties, she can still pull off a teenage role. So the flashbacks of her her as a nerd in high school cut between the accomplished woman in PR works.

Second, she really flows well between characters. She has a variety of mannerisms she uses to portray of geeky teen age girl to the demeanor of a successful career woman.

Third, the main theme of Veronica Mars was her ability to take revenge, and this film runs with the same theme which Kristen Bell plays so well.

We thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It was a great chick flick to take my wife on a date to. The timing and delivery of all the actors was excellent. The pacing of the editing never lagged. I recommend every couple to see this movie for a light hearted and funny night out.
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