Review of Dogtooth

Dogtooth (2009)
"The pussy was turned off and the room fall into darkness"
16 October 2010
Well, the word of mouth has been consistently pro "Dogtooth" so, having great expectations for the film, I could be nothing less but disappointed after watching it… "The pussy was turned off and the room fall into darkness". This quote invented by the mother could be the epitome of "Dogtooth". Distortion is systematic. Zombies are yellow flowers while young flowers turn into zombies. It's nothing but a question of definition as far as definitions do not distort the balance of this imaginary, yet somehow applied reality. Something like the boy sitting next to me in this internet café while I'm typing these words, captured in his "Mafia Wars" reality. The parents of this boy sitting next to me, are presumably not rich enough to afford to built a false and consistently deceptive world, an expensive shelter, in order to "protect" their children from the malice of reality, so they let their boy on his own… Are they more indifferent or simply more honest to themselves comparing to the "Dogtooth" parents? Well, ask Mr. Balboa, not me…And then as a sequence of what one would call "crime and punishment", "a nobody" who –unluckily- is so fond of oral sex, an "instrumentum vocale" hired by the father-master to cover some basic needs of the family, becomes the catalyst for the forced fulfillment, the broken dogtooth and the untraceable blood… Worth seeing only if you have not read all these dithyrambic reviews...

P.S. Rumor has it that "Dogtooth" could be a qualified for the "Best Foreign Film" nomination of the American Academy, but the "dead" cat was not realistic enough to help this nomination! Wouldn't you say?
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