Drags on to mediocrity
22 October 2010
Deu (JeeJa Yanin) is a young adolescent going through an existential crisis after being thrown out of a punk rock band. Trying to cope with her negative emotions she gets stoned. A mysterious and very dangerous underground organisation decides to use this occasion to kidnap our heroine for secretive and vile purposes. Fortunately a mix-up between her kidnappers and a last minute rescue by a savvy group of drunken martial arts masters saves her troubled backside. A couple of drunken break dancing fights later she decides to join the group and learn their fighting techniques...

In general the whole plot is quite ridiculous, but than again you get the sense that it was always supposed to be tongue-and-cheek - believe me when I say that treating this plot seriously is nigh impossible. The real problem however delves from the overlong build-up of the plot together with slow-mo dramatic sequences that reek of corny Brazilian soaps. Even the excellent cinematography can't help with hiding this pathetic excuse for storytelling. I normally don't mind sub-par acting or bad plots in a martial arts movie, as long as the fight sequences are done nicely. But this movie delves too much into the dramatic elements, which derails the otherwise fun parts of the movie (waiting times in between are too long).

What's worse it seems that all the best ideas for fight sequences were used up in the first 30 minutes, while the remainder of this overlong martial arts flick reeks of repetitiveness. For some reason the whole motley crew sobers up in the second half of the movie (for no apparent reason) and gone are the innovative drunken break-dance fight sequences, which made the movie a real spectacle for the first half an hour.

Rashane Limtrakul seems to have wanted too much in his debut, but didn't have the proper base material or experience to make this movie work. A lot of editing and cutting-down of the script properly would have done a world of good for the movie... In the end this is by far the worse Baa-Ram-Ewe I have had the pleasure to watch.
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