Review of S.N.U.B!

S.N.U.B! (2010)
5 November 2010
There's something to be said for any filmmaker committed enough to put their vision on film. The problem is that sometimes those visions suck. The British have often been able to do a lot with a little, especially in the horror genre. This is not one of those times.

S.N.U.B! does not need the exclamation point. Nothing that happens in this movie requires such punctuation. Really, it's pretty much one big (and tired) cliché. I'll excuse the bad digital special effects...this is a rather low budget film after all. But the poor story building, plot, and practical special effects are just bad. I mean...hell...just plain terrible. Nothing that happens here will be a surprise. Nothing will urge you to keep watching. In fact, even at 1 hour and 14 minutes it still feels too long. I feel bad for everyone whose name appears in the opening credits. After all, if you're going to make a low budget affair, why list everyone's name in the opening as if they would ever appear in anything ever again? Ditch this in favor of much better films from Great Britain. This is just a waste.
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