Lots of color, but no substance
19 November 2010
Everyone is nicely dressed--but the characters wearing them are curiously empty. I gave up trying to tell some of the bad guys apart. It's very hard to tell why people are in a particular place together--are they all just crashing at Louise's castle, or is she crashing at theirs?

I could not decide what time period this story was supposed to be part of. They spoke of heretics, which places it in the middle ages during the time of the Cathars (early 1200s) but the swords are clearly not broadswords and the costumes are from a later period. Perhaps no one thought anyone would notice.

The characters are incredibly bland. The supposed hero is in a lot of scenes, but after watching the whole moving, I have no idea what he was about. The heroine mostly seems breathless.

The castles are nice, but the real allure is the English dialogue. I wish I had taken notes. Much of it is wildly stilted, as if translated literally by someone who was not an English speaker, and the effect is funny to the point of being distracting. It is stuffed full of howlers akin to "Tell me the meaning of the thing you have done." Like many Italian films of the period, dialogue and sound effects were dubbed in later. The sound of faux hoofbeats is particularly unconvincing here.
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