Not awful, but far from the original
29 November 2010
If anyone in the world knows writer/director Jack Sholder by name, it's probably because he directed "The Hidden" and more infamously, "Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge". Apparently he's somewhat of an authority on lackluster horror sequels, because as it turns out he's also the uhm, creative force behind "Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies". I have to say though, there's one truly good thing about it: Andrew Divoff is still on board in this installment, so it's not at all a complete waste of time. His performance is significantly less subtle this time around, but it's still consistently entertaining. The biggest problem with the movie is Sholder's weak script, which lacks inspiration and just feels very far-fetched and forced. I know the Wishmaster can bend pretty much everything people say to him into a wish, but here it just gets ridiculous. At one point a cop yells "freeze!", which somehow ables the Djinn to freeze him. How does that work? Little illogical things like those are all over this movie. It's not all bad though, because from time to time there are some cool scenes. I actually liked quite a few of the prison scenes, the deaths looked very good. This is not the worst of the bunch, but definitely not the best either.
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