Dark Country (2009)
AMAZING and incredibly undervalued.
29 November 2010
I was expecting so much less! I'm sure that sounds terrible as a first line but let's be realistic...a B (or C) list actor has his directorial debut, and it goes straight to DVD? Yep, when I saw it for 4 bucks, I figured I'd see if it was entertaining enough to be worth the few dollars. What a shock! Though I guessed the "twist" early on, my wife (who is usually right and I'm usually wrong about such things) got us on a roller-coaster of a dozen possible plot twists...this had hints of Hitchcock movies and Twilight Zone episodes, mixed with a bit of the Tarantino/Rodriguez/Miller flavor of more recent films noir. I haven't underestimated the likely entertainment, suspense, and overall value of a movie this much in years. I will tell you this, though...if you expect tons of effects and blockbuster styling, you'll be disappointed. But if this type of movie (and the nostalgia of creepy suspense without all of the Hollywood hype) is up your alley, you're going to LOVE it! I know they made a "Twilight Zone" movie, but if they hadn't, this would have been the perfect submission for a full-length feature under that banner!
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