Visually Striking but Narratively Something
2 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw a screening of this tonight not knowing a whole lot about it other then its a rarely screened expressionist film set in the dying days of Stalin's Russia. Why Not Go?

I'm just going to go right down the middle on it and split the difference between gorgeous looking yet brain bustlingly abstract art film and give it a split review in the sense that i have no idea if i actually liked it or hated it or if i felt anything about it. After it was over I overheard someone say about it that you could make a mean drinking game by taking a shot every time someone in the film spits right at the camera. (indeed this is what happens directly before the title pops up on screen and is what happens many, many times throughout.)

I thought i was following it fine enough---when you're watching it, the visuals and the rhythm and pacing of the movie take on a life of its own--so you just got to go with it and let the movie take you on its own way in its own time to tell you what's happening. What story was there i didn't feel was difficult to follow exactly, just that it was not exactly a concrete storyline. (If i can describe the film's storytelling--its more of a you are there kind of film then a watch what happens kind of film. Story ultimately focuses on this military general who is revealed to be a doctor in what i thought was a mental hospital that also happens to contain a patient who could be the general's exact double. The film sorta follows the general as the general lives his life, especially following him around his home, following the members of his family around (i believe the ten or eleven year old son was supposed to be the director--seeing as how the man who introduced the film claimed it was supposed to be based upon the director's memories of growing up--and when you know that--the first half of the film with its relaxed unhurried structure makes a lot of sense---its almost like a coming of age film when its focusing on the ten year old son even if the film isn't focusing on the ten year old son all that much) including his wife, and his ailing mom (in addition to his ten year old son--ironically if the director is supposed to be the ten year old....it doesn't make the ten year old heroic or innocent at all--the ten year old gets into trouble for being anti-Semitic at school whereby the general says if you want to be anti-Semitic i'll treat you like an anti-Semite taking off his belt...but we saw the general being really mean to a Jewish neighbor earlier so things that make you go hmmm.)

there are some side characters who sort of wander into the film almost from the sides (literally wandering into the film and then having the and the film follow them for a little while before ultimately coming back to the general.) including that neighbor whom nobody in the community where the general lives seems to like--the very beginning of the film is him getting run over or attacked and then not being helped--or more rather being helped but not by a Russian. (the person helping him makes a point of saying i'm a swiss journalist here for a story--if he was a Russian i guess he wouldn't be helping him after all???)

i kind of sort of lost what was supposed to be happening around the time the words "part 2" pops up on screen....it actually goes back to the start of the film--and you see the general acting loopy and intoxicated---I started thinking oh OK i know what happened--the general's double escaped and is now posing as the general and that is why the general is acting so crazy and is at this party and acting so unlike the way he was in the first half of the film---eventually the general doctor is called upon to cure Stalin himself (who when the general finally gets to tend to is dead---the guy who ordered the general doctor there even tells him to make him fart---if he can fart maybe they can breathe some life back into him) eventually the general doctor sees the absolute chaos that's about to erupt thanks to there not being any more Stalin--and seems oddly relieved about it as he somehow manages to escape on the back of a truck to an uncertain future. I'm still not sure if that is what happened or not---in reading the other comments here it seems as if i was way off on that--but part of me still thinks that that was the whole purpose of even having a double for the general in the first half of the film right there.

So plot wise, its a bit of a mess, but i don't think its as impossible to follow as the other commenter's have made it seem. The reason to see the film--if you were inclined to do so even after reading all of this nonsensical plot details would be the pure visual look of the film--its very good looking movie---with constant and unending snowfall making the black and white cinematography that much more striking. The many, many tracking shots following the various characters as they go about their business are also beautifully done. The film is almost like watching a dream in the sense that you have little idea what's actually happening after wards, but when you're in the moment watching it--you kind of think that you know what's happening more or less, and that's all that really matters really.

Title is taken from a random line that one of Stalin's employees shouts after his body is taken away.
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