Rules of Engagement (2007–2013)
A fulfilling, genuine, warm and truly comedic TV series.
12 December 2010
Unlike many sitcoms today, Rules of Engagement seems to have proved it's worth over and over again, - all the way from its pilot episode. The show gives off an unusually warm and genuine vibe which resonates from its opening theme.

The show may be considered a bit 'linear' for some critics, who are more concerned about the solid creativity that a sitcom of our 'day and age' delivers through its plot and characters, than its actual aesthetic, artistic and meaningful worth, targeted at its audience.

But even then the dialogue works great with its acting characters, and eliminates the fact that the show is placed in such an average environment, - this generally presented environment, along with the shows generally presented character roles, may provoke a critic to say the show is 'typical' or 'expected', as a sitcom, which includes a 'stereotypical cynical-married couple', and a 'naive engaged couple', and a 'womanizing single'. Even if these claims are true, the show lives passed its potential even in it's narrow field, (especially as a mid-season replacement).

Other than these negatives which are usually evaluated by critics, the show is very refreshing as a TV show. Unlike many sitcoms today, there are scarce times when the viewer is expected to laugh at an obviously unfunny joke. Though there may be a laugh track, but it doesn't get in the way of the character roles and dialogue.

I give the series a 10/10 because as a TV show, - it's very underrated and deserves at least as much views and feedback as it did when it came out. What I really like about the show is that it's so upfront as a sitcom, building up from ideas from golden shows that are done and dusted, and that it still seems to keep the care-free vibe that it had since the beginning episode, - the actors fulfill their roles and sometimes, succeed them.

Overall, the show is great, the dialogue is original and actually funny, the characters are played well by their actors, & the show lives big in it's narrow field as a sitcom.
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