Brawn Over Brains
15 December 2010
I guess I've just got too much Basil Rathbone in my idea of Sherlock Holmes; suave, sophisticated, brilliant, imaginative, creative and always a step ahead. Throw in that certain hat, tweed jacket and subtle humor and you've got the man from 221B Baker Street. For that matter, several other "Holmes" both in older times and more recent have captured that essence and symbiotic relationship with good old Dr. Watson. What we've got here is a total re-interpretation of a good thing, to the point of making this an action adventure instead of a psychological who-dunnit of old.

For my money, Robert Downey Jr. doesn't cut it as Holmes much as he tries-he reminds me too much of Charlie Chaplin. He's short, squatty and feigns to be a brawny muscle figure in this adaptation. The relationship with Holmes is never quite developed and the chemistry isn't there as it should be, nor is the humor. Frankly, if I want a technology driven action/adventure I wouldn't have sought this movie out. I'll go back to my set of Rathbone classics anytime, and I will tune in to the Jeremy Brett version as I've heard that is quite good as well. This particular Holmes doesn't strike me as Holmes at all-missing the essence by trying to remake something other than what it IS.
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