Dirt Dauber (2009)
Decent Lovecraft Adaption In A Rich Original Atmosphere
9 December 2010
HP Lovecraft, were he alive today, would probably amour this eerie adaption. While many have tried and failed to bring this horror master's visionary style to the screen, Steve Daniels seems to have created a faithful, gloomy short that will please the Lovecraft camp. We also get to hear of a little known Old One as the tale unfolds in the Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina-all in scant 35 minutes.

Dirt Dauber has only male characters, faithful to Lovecraft's work. It also has a horrible past of an ill fated train tunnel, beautifully executed paper puppets in a flashback sequence, stark black and white imagery that, as the piece flows, turns to color at the climax scenes when the dreadful secret is revealed. The viewers will strain to guess who is the real "monster" as both characters are equally disturbing, but only one has the ultimate fate. Grab the DVD on Amazon at $12.00. If Mr. Daniels reads this, we need a DVD with all the features. Fabulous!
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