Beast which does not disappoint
4 January 2011
This is the third film that I have seen which has been directed by the German director Timo Rose - previous ones being Fearmakers and Barricade - and it has served to heighten the regard that I have for him as a film maker and actor. I particularly liked the manner in which the story covers the adventures and traumas of three pairs of individuals with contrasting personalities. Firstly, we have the dynamic,werewolf chasing duo played by Timo and Joe Davison, in a sometimes Laural and Hardy style, and then there is the brother and sister pairing played with skill and empathy by Raine Brown and Joe Zaso whose relationship becomes increasingly tense as the story relating to the condition of Joe's character unfolds. Finally, we have Yassmin Pucci and Andre Reissig as a couple of crazed candidates for anti-social behaviour orders.

The first half of the film coasts along at a casual pace with the focus of attention shifting between the development of the story in relation to the three pairs of characters but then the pace is suddenly accelerated when all six come together in a volatile explosive cocktail mix into which is blended the shadowy presence of Lydia played by Eileen Daly in a special appearance to give the cast list a further international dimension with members from various European countries and North America.

In addition to the main players, I was particularly impressed with the performance of Yassmin Pucci in the role of a vicious tomboy who would fit easily into one of Russ Meyer's films. Also, I was pleased to see the young German actress Tanja Karius obtain a further opportunity to briefly grace the screen in one of the minor roles. She has previously appeared in Barricade and Fearmakers and having gained valuable experience I expect her to be rewarded with more substantial roles in the not too distant future.

Finally, I enjoyed the end scene which featured an appearance by Manoush who never disappoints with her ability to make the maximum impact in the shortest possible screen time - the icing on the cake!
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