Hot to Trot (1988)
Someone owes me 80 minutes of my life because of this movie!
3 March 2011
I was dragged to see this movie by a friend who trains Standardbred racehorses. All she knew about it was the title and the fact that it was about a Standardbred racehorse. I think she envisioned something along the lines of "The Black Stallion" or "National Velvet" or "Misty of Chincoteague" or something.

"Who is Bobcat Goldthwait?" she asked me. I didn't know.

Well, by the end of the movie we knew: Bobcat Goldthwait is the most annoying stupid awful rotten bad comedic would-be actor we'd ever seen. He's a warning to potential moviegoers: if you see his name associated with a movie in ANY capacity, avoid, avoid! This movie is not about Standardbred horses or horse racing. It is not about anything that any sensible sentient intelligent person can make any sense about. It purports to be a comedy, but it's so far from funny that it's almost an anti-comedy.

And Goldthwait... my god, is it possible for any human being anywhere to deliberately contrive a more whiny, affected, unintelligible voice and persona? My friend and I both wanted to slap him. Wanted?!? I mean we still want to slap him, even years after we saw this mess! Given how much money that it costs to make a movie, the question my friend and I both had when we left the theater was: how on earth did this movie get green-lighted, and should people who waste money making garbage like this be allowed out without a keeper? (Our answer was "NO!") See this movie at your own peril. You'll emerge from watching it numb with boredom, dazed and confused, and with the agony of Goldthwait's voice ringing in your ears for hours afterwards.

Better yet, if anyone suggests you see this mess, jump up and knock them unconscious and lock them up for their own protection. They need HELP.
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