8 March 2011
Bounty hunter Anthony Steffen teams up with shifty, bible-toting rival William Berger, who dresses like a preacher and carries a shotgun with seven barrels, in order to take on a ruthless gang of human smugglers working the Mexican border.

An entertaining, though somewhat standard-issue Italian western, this is well-made and fairly atmospheric, with a neat final gun-down. Steffen and especially Berger are pretty cool too, as is big Mario Brega (of Leone's Dollars trilogy among other films) finally getting to play one of the good guys!

One interesting aspect of the film is the depiction of illegal immigration, the "coyotes", and their primarily well-to-do white enablers as a public nuisances that help in keeping poor Mexicans down. This is a point of view you'll never see in the scared, hypocritical film world of today.
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