Khamosh (1986)
Quiet, There's A Killer Somewhere
11 March 2011
Vidhu Vinod Chopra has created a very Hitchcockian thriller. I liked the idea that the whodunnit story takes place among a films cast and crew as they are shooting on location. Chopra's reference to films like 'The Godfather' and 'Psycho' were quite funny. 'Khamosh' isn't as much a thriller as there's a lot of humour.

While a few of it is unintentional, there's also plenty of satire. I especially enjoyed the humour that took place in the shooting scenes. For instance, the sequence where Shabana delivers her dialogue to Amol while lifeless hand keeps bumping on her foot and she's completely unaware of it.

Some sequences were out of place and it appears as though Chopra just put them in for the sake of thrills. One such example is the scene where Shabana finds a drenched in blood dead chicken in her bed. It's also very easy to figure out that the lead suspects were not the actual murderers and after some time one can easily figure out who it is. Plot holes are also apparent. For example, why would Shabana go to the houseboat all by herself at night when there's a murderer on the loose?

At the same time, it's great to watch such an excellent group of actors work together and I was interested in how the director would choose to conclude the film. Pankaj Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah, Shabana Azmi and Amol Palekar are first rate. Azmi plays the Hitchcockian heroine with class and poise. Shah does a fine job as the fiery detective determined to solve the case. Palekar is cast against type and he is superb even though he has limited screen time. Soni Razdan does a decent job while the rest of the cast range from average to bad.

Overall, 'Khamosh' may not be an out and about thriller it tries to be but it's entertaining nonetheless and I think it even has good repeat value.
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