I Will Follow (2010)
About Time!!
12 March 2011
It is about time!! My wife and I went to see this movie because we wanted to support independent black films. A lot of times I get frustrated when I go to see films because the characters, through line, and over all objective is one dimensional. To my surprise this movie is simple and beautiful. This movie does not make an enemy of race or gender. I Will Follow makes you feel, think and listen. I went to see "I am Number Four" later and I found myself asking when is this movie going to pick up and start. I Will Follow grabs you from the beginning to the end. Trust me when I say, I have seen a lot from Indies to Studio and this movie deserves love just for telling a good story with depth. I am tired of the film industry beating us over the head with remakes and same stories but with a twist. There is nothing new under the sun, but that doesn't mean remake a movie you did 3 years ago. Go see this movie you will thank me later.
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