Monsieur Joseph (2007 TV Movie)
When everything is not as it seems...
30 March 2011
This is a simple story of a respected specialized bookseller, the Algerian-born Monsieur Joseph, who has worked hard over more than 40 years to integrate well in his community. Nothing demarcates him from his neighbours and other shop owners in the market square until, one day, his much younger wife does not come back from one of her escapades with another man (Monsieur Joseph accepts these).

Suspicion builds up for several days over her fate and all eyes suddenly turn on this man everyone thought they knew. This is the classical story of how, when one's neighbour is found guilty of something horrible, all those around who freely and willingly befriended him, suddenly have stories to tell about how how they "knew" something was wrong. Except here, no one knows but Monsieur Joseph's life is turned upside down when the rumours set in and everybody jumps to conclusions. His entire community turns against him, no longer seeing him as one of them but as an untrustworthy foreigner. He gradually descends into a living hell. It does not end well.

This is an under-stated movie, with few words, sober decor, and fine acting by the only main character, played by Daniel Prévost. He deservedly won some accolades for this role. And the movie is well worth watching, if only because it is a story that's all too familiar.
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