Review of .45

.45 (2006)
l o u s y i n e v e r y w a y --- h i d e o u s
11 April 2011
this is trash.

awful movie.

don't even bother.

bad at everything.

good at nothing.

it's a waste of my time to bother pointing it all out.

too bad my 'review' ends up on the bottom of the pile.

wish i could bump it up to number one in the list just to warn others away from .45.

facts be known, i feel so strongly about how AWFUL this crappy movie is, i went to the trouble to sign up here.

don't believe the others who praise it- probably just a lot of trolls anyway- put up to saying 'great' things about it in either self promotion or they were paid to do it.

this is a crappy movie--- just plain sucks. plastic characters, lousy acting, terrible plot (if there was one), wannabee director copying all the tired old tricks and banal lines trying to shock a viewer into submission. sad. terribly sad and distasteful.

mila hits bottom of barrel. all them others, probably wish they didn't quit their day jobs. lennon needs to go back to whatever thing he did before- this ain't working man. stupid, ridiculous, predictable, blocking in scenes that borders on criminally amateur, laughable and contrite.

at every turn, at every 'important' exchange, it falls on its knees and flounders around. a few witty quippy lines does not make a good script.

we've seen the worst he can do now- is there any hope? he'll have a career of making up for this turd, as will anyone else in it. shameful piece of crap that it is. only good thing to say it is a formidable Back Marker for the worst ever-- bad art is bad art and this is neither --- are there worse words to say. 'bad' seems so ineffectual in a way. and 'art' - don't even go there. pieces of feces on the wall is all.

and, this is me holding my tongue. what i'm thinking is enough to turn your screen afire. it's so bad, you can't even get nightmares from watching it through.

well, now that i think of it, .45 does excel in one area: proves that any jimmy joe with a camera can make a 'movie'. problem is, most of them (like this one) aren't worth watching!
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