Pure entertainment from it's humble beginnings
13 April 2011
LITTLE MISS MARKER (1934) is one of the absolute dearest movies I've ever seen. I watched it last month on TCM. When it replayed tonight, I was back again. It is a Damon Runyon tale. His stories include men on the wrong side of the law. In this case they are gamblers, bookies, horse race fixers, and the like. The men use some saucy language created by Runyon that is definitely a sign of the 1930's, but some of the words are still around today, so it's an interesting insight into American slang.

Shirley Temple really shines in her breakout role. From her first line she hooks us with her entire adorable little self. She charms the grouchy Apolphe Menjou and pals. Due to a series of events, Shirley ends up in Menjou's care. Hilarity ensues and his grinch-like heart becomes the perfect size for the happy ending. Most of the supporting cast are players I'm not familiar with as this movie is a bit older than those I usually watch, but these kooky men with soft hearts and pride fall for Markie and their lives are forever changed. A beautiful story that even shows Menjou praying which humanizes him and makes him even more heroic.

This film is old, less then 90 minutes, plays a little bit like a stage production sometimes, has few big name stars, isn't Oscar worthy in the acting category, but it has heart. A big heart! It's pure entertainment like I'm sure depression era patrons needed for a dime or less. The production quality is still good. It's a feel-good comedy drama that is just the perfect film for someone wanting pure entertainment from its humble beginnings. I highly recommend this film:)
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