Blooded (2011)
Interesting idea, well delivered.
4 April 2011
At first you feel cheated by the film's 'documentary' approach. you know the character's survive because they're right in front of you being interviewed, but as the film picked up speed you realise that this isn't a slasher film and that character survival isn't important.

The film is a moral dilemma, are the hunters in the right as innocent victims? or are the animal rights protesters in the right for defending animals through drastic measures? Really, both are right, and both are wrong. But it's up to the audience to pick a side.

this refusal to pull the audience one way or another is a very strong narrative technique, the film will divide audiences, and some people will dislike it as a result, but those are the same people that will want to just see a straight horror film where the killer is known from the start and the victims are easily identifiable.

Strong performances, stunning visuals and a clever script help produce a fine film which is thoroughly enjoyable and will keep you thinking about it long after the credits have rolled.
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