Some may be offended
22 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this for the second time recently, before RIO (I'd seen it New Year's Day before GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, as well) and rated it 7 out of 10 (again, though quite independent of my first impression, since which a little water has gone over the dam, including Asia's Continental Crack-up). Scrat was hilarious BOTH times.

However, during my more recent viewing (with a different audience make-up, of course), there happened to be a group behind me who were "tsk-tsk'ing" to their young children off and on during this short cartoon's 2 minute, 39 second running time. Evidently, the parents thought that the theory of continental drift had something to do with Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Or perhaps they took exception to the toon's depiction of the world being round (not flat).

At any rate, when I first saw Scrat's science lesson, it never occurred to me that many folks of the fundamentalist religious persuasion might be vocally offended by seeing a hint of actual science. Maybe foisting such provocative material upon a "captive audience" expecting to be paying for pretty bird antics was another insidious plot by Hollywood J--I mean, Hollywood atheists. I still don't think this gives the intolerant boo-birds the right to disrupt the movie-going experience for those of us who actually live in the 21st century with both halves of our brains. Therefore, an urgent plea to parents: if you go to church in either a converted grocery store or a sold-out 5,000 fan arena, please show up 2 minutes and 39 seconds LATE for RIO!! You'll be doing a favor not only for yourself, but also for the rest of us!
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