Review of June 9

June 9 (2008)
Slow build, worthwhile payoff
24 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Here is another "found footage" horror movie in which the story is told through home video shot by the characters. In this film, the premise is that some high schoolers are looking for something to do during the summer, so they drive to a small nearby community to poke around and mess with the locals. They peek in windows, sneak around garages, trespass, and ridicule people from afar. Little by little, weird things begin to happen. For example, on one trip, they look in a house and see several Amish-looking men just standing and staring ominously. After each incident, they go home, talk about what happened, hand out, and then get together to go back out to bother the strangers again. By the end of the movie, you start to feel like these kids definitely deserve some consequences. Eventually, they are brutally murdered by the residents of the town. We see them getting beaten and cut apart pretty graphically. It adds to the creepiness that the killers seem to be doing this in a very methodical manner, with their children helping out as if its a daily chore. This lengthy ending sequence is the most effective part of the film, and made it worth sitting through. Whereas the build up portions of the movie are fairly unremarkable, we get a very memorable horror movie payoff.
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