Awful content of no artistic merit
30 April 2011
Has the African American family become Ernest? I am ashamed at how Tyler Perry uses loaded stereotypes with weak stories to continue to produce the same content with different names.

The story seemed weak with poor acting and overall had be more frustrated at how an unintelligent viewer would look at this movie and say this is how I need to live or act. The problem with the culture in relation to the art is that you will influence the people in a way that they don't understand. While I always try to keep a positive view of anything someone takes the time to create this movie just misses the mark. His jokes are awful and the way he tried to combine stories to keep someones attention was a complete disaster. The worst part about this and many of his films is that other African Americans are paying him to watch themselves get made into people they are not. This is just low brown entertainment that is not worth wasting your time on!
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