A wonderfully entertaining comedy drama from Andrew Stone
3 May 2011
What a surprise. I hadn't seen this film since it played on Million Dollar Movies in Los Angeles in the 50's. I is a rare comedy drama with a bit of music thrown in for good measure. It stars Gail Russell in a role that shows off exactly what she was capable of. A delightful romantic lead and so beautiful as the lead character, Eileen. The cast around her couldn't be better. It has Claire Trevor, Ann Dvorak, Jane Wyatt, Adolphe Menjou and Billie Burke. It is a lost film and can hardly ever be seen anywhere. I got a copy from a collector and was amazed how well it holds up. Four girls who work in a department store adopt a mom and dad so they can share a mansion on Long Island to trap rich husbands. A chestnut of a plot to hang some wonderful performances on. It is a total delight and is a film you should search out. Gail made this film just prior to Angel and the Badman and it is no wonder she was selected to star as the Angel opposite John Wayne. Has there ever been a more beautiful girl on the screen? If there has been, I have never seen her.
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