Matthew Vaughn just stabbed this series in the heart with an adrenaline needle
3 June 2011
The series that started out as MARVELS prize stallion in the film industry, has since been raped in the ass by films such as "Wolverine" and "X-Men: Last Stand". How can you possibly go forward with a series that has been tarnished twice? Well, you do what they did with Batman.....you start from the beginning. Yes, i know that this is truly NOT a reboot, but the studios are hoping that this leap back to the past will create a jump start on a series that was thought to be all but lost.....let's hope they're right for a change.

I can easily say this without feeling any regret.......this is without a doubt the best X-Men movie created. Yes, i know that most of you "X2" fans will be throwing your hands up in the air. But let me explain why.....

First off, the character development in this movie is amazing. Director Mathew Vaughn does an incredible job of making every single good character likable, and every bad character hateable. Watching a young Professor Xavier get drunk and hit on women. Watching a young Magneto cover the globe killing Nazis......uh, i'll watch that any day of the week. And since we're on the topic of Xavier and Magneto.....my god, if you thought the original combination of Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart was amazing......wait until you see the combo of James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. No, i'm not saying that this duo is better, but i'm not saying it's worse either. Never in my wildest dreams did i think anyone could compete, but these two are really something special to watch on screen. Even before they cross paths. Their characters alone could make an entire picture. Especially Michael Fassbender as Magneto. In my opinion, he's the one who stole the show.

As far as story lines....it's a bit of the same old stuff, just in a different time period. But this go around seems much fresher. It offers a much more different take and a broader spectrum than the typical 'These are humans, and these are Mutans...now fight'. It delves more into the history aspect, which to any guy, is always cool.

However, the only slight problem i had with the film was towards the end, right before the final battle. You have all these characters who just came together, and you're really ready to watch them finally go crazy after watching this amazing montage of Xavier helping them. And right after this happens, they drop some plot points out of nowhere. I get WHY they had to do it, but the placement felt just a bit off to me. I think if they spread them around the movie instead of having it come out of nowhere towards the end, then maybe it would have been okay. But does it take anything away from the film? Absolutely not.

Bottom Line.....i said it once, and i'll say it again. This is the best X-Men movie i have seen thus far. Everything from the acting to the storyline......it was amazing. And even thought i think a lot of people will give all the credit to the acting, which in a way they're right.....i however, give it all to Director Matthew Vaughn. He took a story which easily could have been crapped on by producers and studio exec's, and he made it his own, and he made it fresh and fun. Even if you disagree with me and say "X2" is still better...you still won't be able to deny the fact that this is certainly the most entertaining of the bunch. Without a doubt the best movie i have seen so far this year. Captain America and Green Lantern.....the bar has been set.
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