The Encounter (I) (2010)
A Very Enjoyable Movie with A Positive and Life Changing Message
6 June 2011
When I initially saw the beginning of the movie I was not impressed until I stopped and paid attention to the storyline. The setting was one in which a girl is walking on a remote road and looking to catch a ride as cars are passing and a storm with lightning and heavy rain is quickly approaching. The key players are those that pass her on the remote road, as well as the one girl who is prompted by a voice to pick her up. The story unfolds with the players about five or six ending up at a road crossing where a police officer stops them because of a possible washout of the road. They are turned back and all end up at a diner that was not supposed to be at the location. In any event, they all enter and encounter a person named Jesus. Lives and legacies are unveiled in a unique way making application of the Biblical scriptures as well as modern concepts like what it would be to encounter the savior. The story as well as the approach is very thought provoking and leads a person to consider their life and the events of their life in an effort to make a decision for Christ. I have enjoyed a lot of movies, Christian and non-Christian. By far this is one of the best written, staged and acted movies I have seen. It is well worth the time to see it and a great tool for sharing how life takes us down a variety of avenues. I would add that the movie really should be viewed with an open mind to see what the message and points are. It is not a heavy action flick…just a thought provoking hear-felt movie that is well worth the time.
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