Role Models (2008)
Role Models
7 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw bits and pieces and maybe a trailer for this film, I didn't really think much of it at the time, I thought it might be terrible, but then I saw positive reviews and was instantly turned to see it. Basically Anson Wheeler (Seann William Scott) and Danny Donahue (Paul Rudd, also writing) are friends in their early thirties that have a pretty dead end job promoting the energy drink Minotaur and encouraging kids to stay off drugs. They get into a big fight and they could face either thirty days in jail or perform 150 hours of community service, they opt for the community service in which they are assigned to be a big brother program called Sturdy Wings. Recovering drug addict manager Sweeny (Jane Lynch) is the one who has to keep an eye of them and make sure that they log the time they spend with the children until they have completed the hours. Danny is paired up with August 'Augie' Farcques (Superbad's Christopher Mintz-Plasse) who is a geeky teenager obsessed with playing medieval role play games like they are real, and Wheeler is paired up with Ronnie Shields (Bobb'e J. Thompson) the little foul mouthed streetwise black kid obsessed with boobs. Danny can't be on the level with Augie, and Wheeler cannot get Robbie to pay interest in anything, they think about the jail option, but they do gradually bond with their "littles", Ronnie taking interest in Wheeler's love for the rock bank Kiss and equally boobs, and Danny joins in with the medieval role play. Their success with the young ones goes downhill though when Danny and the role play with King Argotron (The Hangover's Ken Jeong) of "LAIRE" gets out of hand, and Wheeler forgets about Ronnie at a boozy party. They are removed from the Sturdy Wings program and will presumably go to jail, but Danny's girlfriend Beth Jones (Slither's Elizabeth Banks) says she will defend them in court, but they find a way to make up for their mistakes. Danny convinces King Argotron to allow him and Augie to take part in the big afternoon Battle Royale fight in the afternoon to "capture the kingdom of Xanthia", and with Wheeler and Ronnie joining they all dress as the four members of Kiss, and even though friend Sarah (Michelle Lenhardt) wins it all ends well. In the end Wheeler and Danny are forgiven by Sweeny seeing them take care of the children and their community service is complete. Also starring Ken Marino as Jim Stansel, Kerri Kenney-Silver as Lynette and A.D. Miles as Martin. Scott as always is great as the slacker like booby loving "adult", Rudd is also good as his friend, and the two kids Mintz-Plasse and especially Thompson are good fun, there are the small moments of slapstick and plenty of dialogue based jokes, it is an enjoyable comedy. Very good!
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