Black Demons (1991)
I am not an expert on etiquette, but even I know it is in poor taste to raise zombies at someone's home.
26 June 2011
Watched this film expecting something along the lines of "Hell of the Living Dead", you know a zombie movie that is not very good, but kind of fun to watch. Something with some good gore, stupid characters and a lot of zombies. This only met the stupid person criteria, as they had those aplenty. For the most part though this film moved slowly and was boring. There were a couple of kills, but nothing spectacular as they did one eyeball gouging twice and there was not much gore beyond that. The film has a man appropriately named Dick. You will never know what the heck Dick was trying to accomplish in this film as he is just what his name says. He wants to attend a ceremony for reasons that are known of our business, or they may have been and I just could not hear them because at times you could not understand anything anyone was saying. Well he sees the ceremony and the next day heads out with his sister and her boyfriend and they end up stranded at a house where Dick promptly raises the dead for obscure reasons. You know what happens then right? Hordes of zombies come crashing the house devouring the occupants! No, not quite, as these zombies are the most tepid, slow and boring zombies ever brought upon the silver screen! At one point it looks as if the zombie is going to stab some guy and he backs off twice when it hears something. What zombie backs off from an attack? The boring zombies of Black Demons, that is who! Seriously, all the people could have escaped with the exception of a girl who seemed to think that the best defense against zombies is to back oneself into a corner screaming "no!" rather than running. They also almost drove away till the driver drives the car off the road and into a ditch and it sure looked like he planned that one let me tell you! So a very slow moving zombie film, with slow moving zombies and very slow characters. Very little gore and no nudity worth speaking of, an utter disappointment to say the least. I expect more cheese in an Italian zombie film.
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