13 Assassins (2010)
Simple but entertaining
28 June 2011
"A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord."

And that's it. The most succinct yet accurate and appropriately detailed plot summary I've read lately on IMDb.

The fight choreography was fantastic.

Review done. There was nothing more to it. No character development, no plot twists, no turns or surprises - nothing.

The cruelty of the evil lord was most memorable and sometimes, I felt, given the film's almost total lack of depth, gratuitous. In fact, the problem with the evil lord was he was SO evil death was too good for him! So that left you holding the bag when it came time to resolve all that you'd seen from him.

The (very) ending was great. It SORT OF made up for the evil lord but not quite.

All-in-all the film was entertaining.
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