Equality (White) Arrived at
5 July 2011
Having not yet watched the other two of the Colours Trilogy, I have set down to comment on the middle one as I can't let my agitated heart-rate settle down in any other way. Needless to say, 'white' denotes one colour, of the flag of France, that stands for equality; and this equality is arrived at in the end between Karol & Domininque by the most promising scene of the film where she makes certain intriguing movements of hands indicating her acceptance of his wedding ring. The first hint of doves making Karol's shirt dirty before he enters the court to be mentally decimated my his wife's remarks is the miry & dirty ground whereupon the reconstruction of their broken relation starts & which turns clean, or white, in the end. Those scenes which show how Karol stages his own death to get back his life, i.e. his wife, bear the mark of the creative hammer of Krzysztof Kieslowski; the hot anvil of his always-excellent lighting arrangement & camera-work also delineates the gusto of the Polish procreator of films; the never-before soothing music, too, seems to come from a far away place. In a nutshell, 'Three Colors: White' is a panorama of earthly images, though with some minor defects, providing corneal & aural bliss.
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