NOT the best OR the worst movie of 2011
8 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had a free pass which ONLY could be used for this movie; otherwise, its gag-inducing trailer might have kept me away. (Hollywood's goal for ALL its comedy previews these days seems hell-bent on making viewers barf, perhaps with the hope that they will blame it on a virus or food poisoning, rush home without seeing the movie they paid for--or getting a refund, and then come back and PAY AGAIN for the movie they wanted to see in the first place. Well, if most Americans are THAT stupid, then maybe Owen Wilson SHOULD be president!) Though Jordana Beatty as JUDY MOODY is not really the cutest or most entertaining girl on the block (the Fanning sisters qualify as today's Shirley Temples), BUMMER SUMMER could perhaps pass as DIARY OF A WIMPY KID for the short female set. When all the gross sight gags crammed into the preview are spread out through 91 minutes, its sort of like a farmer fertilizing his field: not so bad (if you don't get caught downwind). And with Heather Graham as Judy's Aunt Opal, this kid pic kind of gets my sympathy vote. Oh, what Roller Girl's stooped down to!
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