Femme Fatales (2011–2012)
kill me now
2 July 2011
When I saw the preview to this show it looked like it had real potential and promise, the idea was solid, the cast was good looking, it seemed pretty good on paper. After watching the first few episodes sadly I have to say this show is just bad. While the elements I've originally mentioned remain true they don't make up for the atrocious acting, seriously besides for the 2 or 3 people who've actually acted before and know how to make things seem fluid the entire cast just plain out sucks. Right from the beginning their visual ques don't line up with their bodies, the actual facial expressions are wrong, and even when they hit in the first episode its so pathetic that you can see their hands or weapons missing the person entirely, I seriously expected to see the word "WHAM" as one girl got hit at least in old school batman they knew how to act, which is more then I can say for this pathetic lot. Please next time you try to remake a show get people that know how to act AND look good, not the other way around. 1/10
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