Green Lantern (2011)
Despite what critics say, Green Lantern is a solid film
20 July 2011
The critics can say whatever they'd like to about this adaptation of the DC Comics character, but it was actually a very good movie. While I will say I think the pacing moved a bit too quickly, not allowing all characters to be fully developed, that is the film's only real downfall.

Honestly, when I first heard about them making a movie about Green Lantern, I was a bit skeptical. Not because of the movie itself, but because, as much as I love Ryan Reynolds as an actor, he always does a phenomenal job, I wasn't sure I'd feel completely comfortable with him playing a superhero. After seeing the movie, though, all doubts were lost. Reynolds made for a perfect Hal Jordan! The story follows Jordan, a test pilot, who has a mystical ring, which possesses great powers, bestowed upon him by an alien. He is told that the ring chose him to induct into an intergalactic squadron who is tasked with keeping peace throughout the universe.

A good majority of characters and locations in the film are done in CGI and I have to say that they were spectacular! As Hal is introduced to this new planet and these 'creatures,' we, too, experience it as if through his eyes. It is a magnificent universe that has something new and breathtaking to see around every corner! It was just a totally unique world.. unlike any you've seen in a film before, only aided by the voice talent that brought some of these aliens to life, such as Geoffrey Rush and Michael Clarke Duncan.

Along with an incredible performance by Reynolds, Peter Sarsgaard did a wonderful job as Hector Hammond who was accidentally introduced to remarkable power (in true comic book fashion) which consumed him purely for evil.

I, now, look forward to seeing the sequel (which is currently in the works) to explore more of this incredible universe and see what excitement still lies ahead.
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