A False Greystoke
23 July 2011
Tarzan's Savage Fury was one of the only Tarzan films to make reference Tarzan's noble background. At least since the Johnny Weissmuller films started I don't recall another movie mentioning Tarzan being the Earl of Greystoke.

But it's a false Greystoke played by Patric Knowles who with his guide Charles Korvin comes calling on Lex Barker and Dorothy Hart as Jane. What is family for, but to call on them for aid. The real Greystoke was killed at the beginning of the film and Knowles takes his place. The object is to get to a tribe which has a fortune in diamonds and uses them in their animist religious rites.

Although it's never said, Korvin's accent is a broad hint that there is a foreign power behind these proceedings. The Cold War at last comes to the Tarzan series. With RKO under the control of Howard Hughes would you expect nothing less?

The cast acquits themselves well and now it seemed that finally black people were playing the African natives in the series for good and all time now.
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