Cathy's Curse (1977)
Cathy's Curse; The Bad Reviews Miss The Point
30 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cauchemares aka; Cathy's Curse is one of the most quotable 'so-bad-it's-brilliant' films ever made. Ignore the negative reviews, hunt down a copy, invite your friends round for a few beers and enjoy the hilarious genius that is; Cathy's Curse. Every scene is a classic in terms of quotability, lack of narrative sense and bizarre acting. You know the story; man who's father and sister were killed in a car crash caused by a rabbit, returns to his childhood home (where his father used to drink blood "as a kind of tonic"!!??) his wife soon starts going hysterical while his daughter, Cathy, becomes possessed by some malevolent spirit that is somehow linked to her dead aunts doll that Cathy finds in the attic and soon people start dying or going a bit weird(er). I can't think of a scene without it raising a smile; be it Agatha the psychic getting taken over by the evil spirit whilst visiting the Gimble household for a nice cup of coffee, speaking in a variety of voices, screaming and smashing a framed family photo, then calmly straightening her jacket, or Paul the caretaker being plied with whiskey by Cathy whilst having a good old laugh sat on the attic stairs, then, when confronted by a visiting Agatha, unleash on her a barrage of abuse such as; "Fat dried up old whore!" before running her out the house. This film is a favourite of mine that never fails to entertain, be it unintentionally. The only 'curse', as mentioned in previous reviews is the horrendous print that is used for the DVD. It's time a full uncut DVD with a documentary and commentary was released. It's what this classic film and its fans deserve.
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