Pearl Harbor (2001)
An Absolute Disgrace
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Calling this film awful is an understatement. I can't even begin to explain the historical inaccuracies in this film. Every director and screen is allowed and expected to take some artistic license with a story but to totally ignore facts is pathetic. What were the writers thinking? This movie is worse than The Memphis Belle and that is saying a lot. Now for what I consider the worst part of this piece of junk; the casting of Alec Baldwin as Jimmy Doolittle is an INSULT to that great man's memory and legacy. Baldwin, politically stands for nearly everything that Doolittle stood and fought against. Over and over in his long life, General Doolittle put his life on the line for his country and what he believed in. Many of the safety standards in aviation today were pioneered by Gen. Doolittle. He made the world's first instrument and helped to develop the first ILS systems. Volumes have been written about what he did. And he lived by a code that a person should do what ever they could to leave the world a better place than it was when they entered it.
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