Singularity (2011)
14 August 2011
I saw this movie at the Dam Short Film Fest, and I saw on the program that it had been nominated for 10 Maverick Movie Awards (which I'd never heard of) so I was expecting it to be, at the very least, pretty good, but WOW!

The film is non-stop intensity. They somehow managed to squeeze a feature film's worth of intensity into 10 minutes. The gore (used sparingly) is extremely effective in making you squirm in your seat, and the surround sound mix makes you feel like there are things crawling on and around your seat. It made my skin crawl all the way to the epic ending. I loved the look of the film, it has that "stepped-on" look that David Fincher is always talking about in his DVD commentary.

Kudos to Shian Storm and his cast and crew for delivering what is clearly my favorite sci- fi/horror of any festival I've attended. I certainly hope they plan to make a feature version. I will be the in the front row on opening night!!
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