Creative addition to the "Planet of the Apes" franchise
19 August 2011
'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' is a very creative and thought-provoking addition to the "Apes" franchise.

James Franco's performance as Dr. Will Rodman is very convincing. Rodman takes home an infant chimpanzee who otherwise would have been "put down", and thereby saves the chimp's life. The chimpanzee, named Caesar, obtains unusual intelligence from experimental treatment for Alzheimer's disease, and soon becomes the leader in an ape revolt.

Veteran actor John Lithgow once again proves his acting skills as Charles, Will's father who is suffering from Alzheimer's's disease. Freida Pinto portrays Will's attractive companion, Caroline.

The special effects in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" are very impressive. This isn't Charleton Heston's 1968 "Planet of the Apes", with actors portraying simians via heavy prosthetic makeup. The apes in this 2011 saga are computer generated and are very realistic in appearance. More importantly, however, are the emotions the apes feel throughout the film. Their anger boils to the surface due to the ill treatment inflicted by their handlers.

There are several direct references made to the 1968 original film, "Planet of the Apes". First, Caesar's mother is called "Bright Eyes", which was the name Heston's character was called before the apes learned his actual name was Taylor. Second, in the 2011 film, a handler repeats Charleton Heston's infamous lines, "It's a madhouse!" and "Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!". Third, Caesar is ruthlessly hosed down while in his cage, in a scene reminiscent of Taylor's experience in the 1968 film. Furthermore, "Caesar" was the name of the offspring of Cornelius and Zira, two chimpanzee scientists in the 1968 film.

In my view, there are two main themes of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". First, all creatures want to be treated with dignity and respect. Second, the unintended consequences of medical technology can be severe. I highly recommend this creative science fiction film.
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