Major Barbara (1941)
A tedious bit of social commentary that never seemed particularly funny to me.
19 September 2011
This is from a play by George Bernard Shaw. Now I know that Shaw is like a god to some, but I didn't particularly like this film. I found it to be immensely talky and a bit dull. I know that makes me a peon, but I just thought everyone talked way too much and it all felt very stagy--too stagy for a movie. And, even the talents of Wendy Hiller, Rex Harrison (wow, did he talk and overact here) and Robert Morley aren't enough to make this one interesting.

Major Barbara is the title given to the daughter of a rich industrialist. She's in the Salvation Army and loves the life--and talks about it so endlessly you want to slap her. Then, inexplicably, she loses her faith very quickly and in the end comes to embrace the life of a man who is an executive in a munitions factory. There's a bit that happens in between and frankly it lost me because of its style. I could tell it was all meant to be immensely clever--yet none of it seemed very real or interesting. Sorry, but I guess I am a lout for not loving this film.
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