Paranormal Ghost Cheese Project.
24 September 2011
How to sum up this movie ? If Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity had a mentally handicapped love child this movie would be it.

Right from the beginning you get the feeling that this movie is going to be sub par even by low budget film standards. From shaky camera work, with unneeded zooms, during interviews by a supposedly professional cameraman to more than silly looking "archive" footage of the mental hospital should have been clues to stop watching the movie and do something more worthwhile like watch the grass grow. But, like a real trooper, I decided to soldier on. My mistake.

Bad acting, to the point of laughable. But do not get me wrong, it is not "so bad it's good" type of laughable. Typical low budget scares, some very similar to Blair and P.A., that really do not scare any more because you have already seen their likes. Typical shaky camera running around through the dark. And, a more than predictable ending.

This movie lacks everything that a low budget horror needs to have in order to be good = originality and believable acting. The setting of the movie, mental hospital, opens up a lot of possibilities that could have made for a much better / scarier movie than this turned out to be, even on a shoe string budget.

Do not waste your time if you are looking for something original or scary unless you have never seen Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity, then you might find this to be, at best, half decent but, because of the acting, I doubt it.
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