Locked Down (2010)
Testosterone overload
10 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As if stolen from the garbage can of an "Undisputed" scriptwriter, the movie tells a story of an undercover cop Danny (Tony Schiena) framed for drug smuggling, money laundering and murder. Put into prison with criminals he helped place in the slammer he is destined to confront dog-haters. In order to save himself from being back-stabbed under the shower Danny agrees to join up for underground prison cage fights organised by Anton Vargas (Vinnie Jones). The decision keeps him safe from harm. That it until the night of the fights to the death...

Given how tragically unoriginal script all that the movie could offer was a good execution of the beat down script. However in order to pull this off you would need to arrange a cast and crew, which isn't borderline dull. Tony Schiena, even though he can pull off a tough-as-nails face, is absolutely appalling with his line delivery and lacks any acting range whatsoever apart from punching peoples guts out. Most of the supporting cast is equally dreadful with only Dave Fennoy, who very amiably plays Danny Irving's mentor, and Vinnie Jones (being his normal rat-faced self) pulling off a decent showing.

The unoriginal script also does itself no favours with some absolutely gut-wrenching logic epitomised by a dreadful end-scene, where Gwen, an uncorrupted Internal Affairs officer, gleefully watches Danny give a stash of stolen cash to the family of a convict. Given the absolutely basic nature of the story the amount of plot holes galore is absolutely astounding.

In a sheer attempt to overawe sensory receptors of the male audience in order to hide all the above deficiencies, the director overloads the movie with loud music (mostly in-your-face nu-metal or hip-hop), gratuitous sex scenes and some brutal fights. The fights themselves, which actually are key given the nature of the film, are decent enough, although they lack proper build-up and necessary drama to really involve. On top of that these sequences are woefully painful to watch from a cinematographic point of view due to the sheer amount of slow-motion shots.

All in all: Not a good movie. Not even in its testosterone driven B-movie action category.
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