Contagion (2011)
Contagion: A Terrifying, Touching Film
17 October 2011
Watching "Contagion" in a crowded movie theater is like watching Cloverfield on a subway. "Contagion" is a terrifyingly plausible thriller following the rapid progression of a worldwide epidemic will have audiences glued to their virus-riddled seats.

Director Steven Soderbergh develops the story in a brilliantly realistic fashion – focusing simultaneously on the devastating effects of the disease while the medical community scrambles desperately to find a cure and control the hysteria that spreads more quickly than the virus itself.

As Soderbergh depicts the disease's transmission through human interaction – including coughing, and more dangerously, touching – the audience members find themselves reaching for their hand sanitizer, suddenly aware of how many germs they are exposed to on a regular basis. Furthermore, this touching film (pun intended) provides insight into the human condition; touching on subjects ranging from death, desperation, and violence to grief, love, and understanding

The all-star cast of characters, including: Matt Damon, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Laurence Fishburne, Gwyneth Paltrow and Marion Cotillard, brings this film to the next level. Their excellent portrayals coupled with Soderbergh's realistic depiction of a world fighting against time and an unknown, fatal virus brings the sickness into the theater. Unlike most disease or epidemic thrillers, "Contagion" focuses on the science of the virus more than it focuses on the horrific symptoms. Through this detailed, scientific approach, the logic behind the virus's creation and transmission becomes extremely solid. The film's unsettlingly realistic premise easily makes it seem like a PSA for inoculations, while the plausible and rapid developments in the plot also make the film a depiction of survival.

Moreover, Soderbergh brilliantly manipulates the cinematography to allow for lingering close-ups, quick cuts of devastated scenery, and occasional moments of black humor. These detailed techniques show the virus's destruction while simultaneously giving the audience a sick thrill.

"Contagion" is the most realistic and disturbing epidemic/disease/thriller movie of the year, so it's certainly worth watching – though viewers should probably consider bringing a bucket of soap and warm water, some hand sanitizer, some acid, or possibly full contamination suits.
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