My TV wanted to power itself off
23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie lacks so many things that it would be easier to write what it does not, but than this review would probably be an empty page.

When the first opening of the cube happens, it should show the actual opening, the walls should tremble and crack, but all this is greatly missed through the whole movie. No effects at all, except a bit of blue light on the cube and at the end a small effect on the cube that should be already shown at the beginning.

Only horror in all this is the acting. Devon Sorvari that plays one of the moms is the worst. No mom would ever act like she does when her son returns. Most of the time she just stands by with her hands crossed, she shows more care for the other mom than her own son that just escaped cenobites. So unconvincing that it insults viewers and Tracey Fairaway that plays daughter-sister is no exception.

One of many things that i noticed right at the beginning is "sonsodyne" white teeth on the cenobites, would it be so hard to cover those polished teeth a bit. A demon-monster from hell that got its teeth bleached. But than again, why worry about white teeth on cenobites when they appear for like 90 seconds altogether.

I get that its low budget movie, but still.. some effects could be added when cube opens, this is computer age after all. And i'm sure that decent actors could be hired. Perhaps it˙s all directors fault, maybe he was not able to pull out the best in actors, i don't know. Bottom line is, no effects, movie is bad, acting in it is bad. Think its not to harsh saying, its trash altogether.

Only thing that convinced me to watch it to the end, was a nice plot when it showed Steven is actually Nico. There was one additional minute that i enjoyed and was interesting, that was at the end it self. I don't get it why scenes like last minute of the movie were not included before. I rate this move absolute 1/10, no matter of the end and the Steven-Nico plot.
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